Research Community

Annie Goettemoeller

Profile details

A professional headshot of Annie Goettemoeller, smiling and standing outdoors. She is wearing a light-colored blouse, and the background features blurred architecture and greenery for a natural and elegant feel.

Brain Resilience Research Fellow, Department of Neurosurgery

Brain Resilience Postdoctoral Scholars

Annie is a postdoctoral scholar in the lab of Dr. Ivan Soltesz’s, investigating the entorhinal cortex’s susceptibility and its role in initiating the neurodegenerative cascade of Alzheimer’s disease. She completed her Ph.D. in Neuroscience under Dr. Matthew Rowan at Emory University, where her research centered on the early mechanisms of Alzheimer’s, particularly the vulnerability of inhibitory interneurons in the lateral entorhinal cortex. Now, as a member of the Soltesz Lab, Annie continues to study the interplay between the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus, with a focus on dentate spikes and their contribution to neurodegenerative processes.