Research Community

Chiara Anselmi

Profile details

Brain Resilience Postdoctoral Research Fellow Alumn, Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine

Brain Resilience PostDoc Alumni

My expertise is in the areas of regeneration, evolution, the nervous system and cell biology. I use a marine colonial tunicate, Botryllus schlosseri, characterized by having robust regenerative capabilities and an assayable and frequent (weekly) CNS (Central nervous system) tissue regeneration and loss throughout adult life. I believe that comparative studies on a simple chordate can help us elucidate the principal mechanisms that are the foundation of regeneration and aging. I use a multidisciplinary methodology that integrates advanced single cell RNAseq, imaging, multi-parameter flow cytometric isolation of cellular populations and transplantation assays to elucidate the cellular and genetic changes associated with neuronal degeneration process in young and old colonies.