Siddhartha Jaiswal
Profile details

Associate Professor of Pathology
Knight Initiative Funded Researchers, Wu Tsai Neuro Faculty Affiliates
Dr. Jaiswal's lab focuses on understanding the biology of the aging hematopoietic system. As a post-doctoral fellow, he identified a common, pre-malignant state for blood cancers by reanalysis of large sequencing datasets. This condition, termed "clonal hematopoiesis", is characterized by the presence of stem cell clones harboring certain somatic mutations, primarily in genes involved in epigenetic regulation of hematopoiesis. Clonal hematopoiesis is prevalent in the aging population and increases the risk of not only blood cancer, but also cardiovascular disease and overall mortality. Understanding the biology of these mutations and how they contribute to the development of cancer and other age-related diseases is the current focus of work in the lab. These studies utilize genetic and clinical information from large population-based cohorts to understand the impact of clonal hematopoiesis in humans. The effect of the mutations causing clonal hematopoiesis is also studied in human and mouse tissues through a combination of genomic profiling, functional assays, and mouse models of disease.